Spaces – Ilaria Boffa



Spaces è una raccolta di testi scritti tra il 2010 e il 2014, in lingua inglese. Come suggerisce il titolo, esplora spazi e luoghi fisici ed interiori; presenta elementi di concrete poetry ed è accompagnato da foto scattate direttamente dall’autrice. No traduzione a fronte.

Shall we embrace this solitude
From right to the left
to diverge the sight of our reality.
We are travelers, wanderers,
at the counter of our minds
love is not enough.

Spaces is a journey, a descent and a shift, perception of being everywhere guided by the industrial sound of our souls pulsating in the universe. In the collection, memories like night-birds across time search for a prey to hunt, they invade the Present, their heritage expands the sense of connection among all living forms. We are spaces, depths, vertical thoughts. And when woe touches our clothes, we may walk naked to refresh bones. There’s something uterine that links the poems, an irreversible motion towards life:

“remember the click
the carillon click when it stopped
that scratching is inside me
it is inside everyone of us
how may we protect time?
from ego and detachment
I will keep uncoiling
I will keep uncoiling/ Life


Ilaria Boffa is Italian and she lives in Padua. She is an international educator. Her poems have appeared in Glocalizzati (deComporre Edizioni) and Viaggi DiVersi (Pagine di Elio Pecora) poetry collections.

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