About Sounds About Us al Mahalla Festival di Istanbul


Ilaria Boffa, autrice de About Sounds About Us (Samuele Editore 2019, collana Scilla, prefazione di Patrick Williamson), al festival di Istanbul Mahalla. Un’importante partecipazione in rappresentanza poetica dell’Italia.



SEP 8 – SEP 25 – 2021


We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming Mahalla Festival taking place in Istanbul September 8th – 25th under the title Murmuration as a series of art events opening up dialogues between artists from 12 countries and the neighborhood. Thirty international and local artists will work together in the Yeldeğirmeni district in Kadıköy – Istanbul. Various independent art spaces and the entrepreneurs of the historical quarters will be involved in the activities. The festival is a platform that invites local and international participants to events around contemporary art, film, music and discussions. It invites visitors to discover communities from a new perspective. Murmuration refers to the phenomenon that results when hundreds, sometimes thousands, of birds fly in swooping, intricately coordinated patterns through the sky. Twittering as a motive is most present in digital communication on social media: Murmuration is used as a metaphor for engagement and solidarity in the frame of Mahalla 2021. Murmuration looks also back on the migration movements of the 20th. The main Venue, Apartman 52, served as the home of German engineers working on the construction of the Haydarpaşa railroad station opened in 1908.


The festival will take place with the participation of Mathilde Melek An (FR/TR), Melih Aydemir (TR), Mahmut Aydın (TR), Esin Aykanat Avcı (TR), Ilaria Boffa (IT), Nora Byrne (US/TR), Yağmur Çalış (TR), Martina Camilleri (MT), Gökhan Deniz (TR), Barbara Eichhorn (DE/AU), Dinçer Eşgel (TR), Banu Germenli (TR), Berçem Gözde Ölmez (TR), Erdem Gündüz (TR/PL), Manaf Halbouni (DE/SY), Mustafa Horasan (TR), Özge Horasan (TR), Tuba Kocakaya Çiftci (TR), Christian Manss (DE), Orhan Mert (TR), Major Sium (MT/ER), Milenko Laziç (CH/BA), Myriam Perrottet (CH), Barbara Repe (DE/HR), İlayda Tunca (TR), Derin Uludağ (TR), Raphael Vella (MT), Martin Vialon (DE) and others.

Mahalla Festival Team



Apartment 52 in Kadıköy, Istanbul

Opening date to be announced

Installation: “Sono Poetry”


Ilaria Boffa is an Italian poet writing bilingual poetry. She has published three poetry collections and she is one of the eight authors included in the North East American Association publication “Writing in a Different Language” Vol XL 2018 (conceived and developed by Alessandro Canzian/Samuele Editore and Simona Wright). Over the last years, she has been experimenting with field recording, blending her spoken word with sound.


PRIVATE WOE (Synopsis)


Private Woe speaks of a space where living and non-living beings in this Anthropocene can meet and share with tolerance and compassion. Language, culture, nature, the environment, objects & subjects, their ecosystems are all part of an ongoing transformational process. Private Woe poem is included in her latest book “About Sounds About Us“, Samuele Editore 2019.


Private Woe poem
They merge in northern Belgrade
the confluence gives rise to new
patterns, slopes, erosion, distribution
of emerging habitats, mixing zones.
They share private woe.
After stagnation, deflection, separation,
recirculation and recovery, downstream
flow regains velocity.
Finally blended entirely.

Esin Aykanat Avcı is a Turkish artist. Although her art education has been in ceramics, and clay is the major material she makes use of in her work, she has been tend to bring it together with other media and nature itself. Besides being an artist based in Ankara, Turkey, she has had the chance to travel and participate in different academic programs, work in different studios. Esin continues to exhibit her work on human-nature interaction with a focus on process in the forms of installation, sculpture, video, land art and bio-art in her private studio in İstanbul and keeps exhibiting nationally and internationally.



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